2020 Season Recap: Along for the Ride

2020 Season Recap: Along for the Ride

What a year 2020 turned out to be. Looking back now at what turned out to be Highland’s busiest season to date, it’s hard to believe that back in the spring we weren’t sure whether we’d be able to open at all. Between unprecedented highs and drastic lows, the Highland...

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Park Report | November 2020

Park Report | November 2020

Hard to believe that it's already November, but man, those end-of-season trail conditions don't lie. We've seen just about every kind of weather we could expect over the last several days: we just keep spinning the wheel of fortune and hoping for the best. As a...

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Park Report | October 2020

Park Report | October 2020

Happy October! The changing leaves and a few days of much-anticipated rain have been treating us to fantastic fall conditions. The air is crisp, the trails are well-hydrated, and our team has been making the rounds with the leaf blowers to keep your tires one with the...

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The 2020 Highland Training Guide

The 2020 Highland Training Guide

School's out for the summer, which means it's time to focus on bikes. Is there a technique you've been struggling to master? A trail or feature you've vowed to cross off your bucket list this season? Did you just pull your bike out of the basement for the first time...

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Introducing “Thursduro” | Another Night of Uphill Access

Introducing “Thursduro” | Another Night of Uphill Access

Last Wednesday marked the most popular Wednesduro that Highland had ever seen. We assumed it was just a fluke: the season was delayed, we’ve all been cooped up at home—no wonder everyone jumped at the first chance to ride. This week, we figured, would be quieter. We...

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2020 Opening Weekend | The Details

2020 Opening Weekend | The Details

Hello Highland Family, We’ve been laying low for the last week while we waited for finalized approval to open the park at the end of May. Good news: we have approval! We are officially moving forward with opening the park to 2020 season pass holders on May 27th and to...

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Riding Fundamentals Video Series | Highland Camps

Riding Fundamentals Video Series | Highland Camps

In this time of uncertainty, one constant is our community’s shared love of mountain biking and desire to progress. Although we weren't able to jump into our 2020 season as soon as we'd hoped to, our crew is working hard on and...

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Parking Lot Policy Update

Parking Lot Policy Update

Good afternoon Highland Family! We hope you’re doing well and enjoying the spring weather. We’re sure that you, like us, are all itching to ride.  Our team is continuing to meet weekly to plan for the year amidst the persistent uncertainty of the coronavirus. We’re...

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The Push for Sustainability at Highland

The Push for Sustainability at Highland

Sustainability has always been one of the core values of the Highland Trails business. Maintaining the land we ride on requires planning and careful attention to detail, and it's something we pride ourselves on. Highland's commitment to sustainability extends beyond...

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Progression Through Highland Training & Camps

Progression Through Highland Training & Camps

At Highland, our mission has always been crystal clear: to be the premier company in mountain bike training and trail design.We can build all of the trails and features we want, but there’s little point if we don’t also teach others how to ride and enjoy them. Over...

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