Women's Gravity Weekend

Women’s Gravity Weekend

2024 Dates: June 22nd–23rd

Start this season off right with a weekend dedicated to learning and fun. Develop essential mountain biking skills that will take your bike park experience to new heights.

Women’s Gravity Weekend brings together a diverse group of enthusiastic women in a supportive riding environment. On-hill, participants are organized into small groups based on experience, ability level, and riding goals. Whether you’re new to gravity mountain biking or have been riding for years, this program has something for you!

Morning instruction focuses on core fundamentals and balance. Break old habits and begin to ride with more control and confidence. In the afternoon, riders have an opportunity to harness new skills related to jumping and taking drops on Highland’s dedicated learning features.

We’re stoked to be welcoming the following guest coaches for 2024: Robin Dunn, Kim Quinlan, KaJay Rooke, Alex Reiss, Amanda Vansant, and Marina Houlihan.

Daily Schedule — 9:00am–5:00pm

Morning Activities:

9:00am to 12:00pm

  • Meet and greet, get to know your bike/proper setup tips
  • Warm Up and Rider Observations
  • Balanced Riding: Expanding our Ranges of Motion, identify and correct lingering habits for more control and poise on the bike

12:00pm to 1:30pm — Break for Lunch in the Highland  Lodge

Afternoon Activities

1:30pm to 5:00pm

  • Mechanics of Cornering, a step-by-step approach to balanced and effective cornering
  • Jumps & Drops, learn simple, reliable techniques for catching air and (safely) leave your fears behind

Evening Activities

5:00pm to 6:30pm — Happy Hour at the Highland Pub

Womens Gravity Weekend


Testimonials: Unlocking Those "Ah-ha!" Moments

Pumping finally clicked for me and I was able to start jumping with better speed and form going into the setup and take off for the jumps we attempted.



I learned that I am way more comfortable being vertical than I ever thought I would be. My ‘ah-ha moment’ was on my last run down Meadows End, and I realized that I CAN downhill bike. Even getting into it later in life, my body is capable of anything and I’m excited to pursue this new hobby safely because of what I learned at Highland.



This was my first time taking a formal lesson and riding with other women. Normally I get a lot of advice from guys, and often it doesn’t translate to me as a female rider. But, something clicked being in a group of women riders and learning [Coach Alex’s] methods of how to approach jumps that had been lost on me previously. Then, just in a day, I was able to do things that I hadn’t tried before.



I learned that I’m a better rider than I thought I was and gained confidence to hit bigger features.



Rear wheel lifts over little rollers! I’ve always wanted to add more style to my riding and learning this made something major click in my brain and I felt so much more connected to my bike and comfortable moving it. And slowing down to ‘clean up’ jumps and drops was an ah-ha moment, as I’ve always felt like I needed to go super fast to clear things which isn’t always the case.



I’m capable of more than I give myself credit for. Progression is not achieved through being forced or simply ‘sending it!’


