
For starters I apologize for this late blog entry!  I will try to be a better blog updater as time goes on!

The first HMBP Video Contest Party went off big although I had my doubts all the way till the doors opened Saturday night. On Wednesday I think we had 3 or 4 videos and the image of 12 guys sitting around and watching 2 movies wasn’t particularly appealing. It had been at least 2 weeks since we shut down for the season, and there was a foot of snow blanketing the northeast.

  It seemed as though our December 8th date might have been too late and our audience would be lost to skiing and snowboarding.

Then by Wednesday afternoon the mailman brought more videos than we could play during one night.  Our party went from “oh no I think this party is going to suck” to “We might need a bigger place”.  6 judges gathered Friday night to participate in the daunting task of selecting 10 videos.  We assigned up to 5 points for action, originality, editing and music.


By the time we played the first video the lodge was filled with a lively audience.  The energy was in the air and all I could think about was how much bigger we could make this event next season.

So here are the top 3 winners from the Peer / Critic Category:


1st Place

– Mark Veilleux – Trail and Park Boys

– Trail and Park Boys


– Trail and Park Boys


– Trail and Park Boys


Mark won the Sinister Ridge Frame and will have his DVD included in the bonus section of Latitudes.

2nd Place Jeff Udell – Northeast Rewind


3rd Place Mike Feeney – Yard Bike or Die

And here are the winners of the Peoples Choice category……

The Peoples Choice category was chosen based on the loudest applause from the crowd.  It was between Veilleux and Feeney.  After several attempts of going back and forth with the crowd we decided to give

Highland passes to both.



So the idea to have this party came from Glenn  (dude on left in this photo) and then


 Skye (not pretty girl on right but sashquatch looking dude) or maybe it was the other way around. I forget who came up with the idea first but I do remember riding the chairlift with Skye and I had mentioned that Glenn had this idea for a video party.  And I think he said something like “Oh you mean that same party we already started to organize” So if anybody cares the credit goes to both.  The cool thing is it doesn’t really matter because it came together as a successful event and we all want to make it bigger this season! Maybe it will be our closing day party.

Thanks to Skye, Glenn, Will, Dennis, and Dave for the initial setup and organization of the party.  Thanks to the entire HMBP crew and friends who helped during the night of the party!!!


Thanks to all these Sponsors who gave us some really cool stuff to give away!!

Sinister Bikes                                     DH Productions                     

PerpetualMocean                              E-13






Rye Airfield                           





Bern Unlimited                                   Nixon                                                                         





ZFS Action Sports                              Monster Energy Drink         





Metro Rock                                       Simple Shoes





Green Mind                                        The True Love Collective





Belmont Wheel Works


Thanks to these guys who made the cut:

Adam Billizter – DH Furever                                         Brooks Parsinnen – Jeep Eater

Justin Brigandi – Brigandi Productions               Michael Richardson – Nek Wreckers

Willem Cooper – Von Cooper Productions                   Aaron Todd – Seven Springs

Mike Feeney – Yard Bike or Die                                  Jeff Udell – Northeast Rewind

Spence Lee – Take 2                                                   Mark Veilleux – Trail and Park Boys

And thanks to the submissions that didn’t make the cut!! Please don’t give up and hope to see your entries this season!!

Finally, thank you again to everybody that came out to support our first video party!!!   Your presence made this party a success and your generosity towards the Tara Llanes donation box allowed us to send $1,000.00 to her fund!

All these pictures are from Dan MacDonald…Thanks Dan!

