Highland Mountain Bike Park in association with the Tilton School are proud to announce the Tilton at Highland Merit Scholarship Program. The merit scholarship is available to students looking to attend Tilton School and train at Highland Mountain Bike Park’s premier facilities.
Applicants must create a video application telling us “What I believe in most…” and submit it by January 31st, 2014. Videos can be shot in any format on any type of device, and uploaded to a publicly accessible online player (YouTube, Vimeo, PinkBike, etc.).
Visit: TiltonSchool.org/admissions/financing/scholarships for full details on how to apply. For more information on the Tilton at Highland Program visit: AyrAcademy.com/team/tilton-at-highland
Scholarships range from $5,000 to $15,000. Winners will be notified by the Tilton School directly.