Thanks to everybody who battled the nasty weather to come out and take part in the S’ender
Bash! It was a great day and to top it all off over $3K from ticket and auction sales will be going to charity! Here’s a quick recap: The crew shut the lift down at 4PM and shortly after most people made their way into the bar area. Pete Kilpatrick played some cool acoustic tunes while the bar scene started to light up. The bathroom looked more like the newest section of Hellion before the cleaning girls got it back under control.

By 6:30PM we opened the video portion of the night with “ChaseLifeVol.8 (Party Hardy) you can check it out here… After AC’s video we began the show with the top 10 film contest winners. For this year we partnered with VitalMTB. Check out their website here if you haven’t already. Very
cool site!

And the winner’s:
NBD – Judges pick for best movie
A Disasterous Highland – Crowd favorite
Finally – Best Crash
Mocean365 Action! Highland Sender Video Contest – Best Sequence
Summer of Bromance 2.0 – VitalMTB pick

The winners came up to claim their prizes and immediately following we began the raffle. A table full of goodies was devoured in no time by the lucky number holders! The judges came to the front to help in the product toss. Chase seemed to dominate the stage for the product toss firing anything he could get his hands on into the crowd.

The time was about 8PM and while Loren was finishing ringing up the final auction buyer Dave started the premier of NWD’s “Dust and Bones”. Lot’s of Highland footage in this movie! It’s a great feeling hearing the crowd cheers during the Highland sections!

After the movie a really cool band from Cape Cod “Roots Down Below” rocked the party till the end. These guys were having a blast and it showed! Great musicians! Check out their myspace:

Thanks again to everybody who battled Mother Nature to come out and play! We will be splitting your ticket and auction sales between 2 great causes; The Jimmy Fund and Wings For Life Thanks to all the sponsors who could help out with this event: Looking forward to seeing everybody back for more fun in 2010!

Thank you to all these guys too!
Glenn Davis for letting us borrow his projectors, Mark Veilleux for the movie screen, Photographers Chris Vanderyajt, Harookz, Dan Campbell, Judges Ben Moody, Kyle Ebbett, Aaron Chase, George Ryan, Doug Smith, Dave Smutok, Sinister Bikes for DNA Frame, Don Hampton, Posters and Wayne Goss signature DVD, Maxxis for wheelsets and T-shirts, and Roots Down Below for a handful of CD’s.