
Day 1 of FMB Spring Training kicked off yesterday, with the boys stoked to be back at America’s Bike Park. They boosted the jump lines and wall ride in Sherwood Forest, and set the bar high for an awesome week of riding while sessioning the Ayr Bag. With the best trick competition only a few days away, we can’t wait to see who’s going to step it up and throwdown the biggest this year!

The weather in the Northeast has been wet of late. Justin Schroth of Lucent Productions brings his guns out to bring the sun out. Photo: Dave Smutok

The boys are stoked to be back riding at Highland. Photo: Dave Smutok

Tyler McCaul gets warmed up in Sherwood Forest’s jumps. Photo: Dave Smutok

Kurt Sorge rips the Sherwood wallride. Photo: Dave Smutok

T-Mac feeling the flow. Photo: Dave Smutok

Dustin Gilding has everyone’s attention with a huge front flip into the Ayr Bag. Photo: Dave Smutok

Rheeder was firing off all sorts of combos into the Ayr Bag. Photo: Dave Smutok

Sorge enjoying the Ayr Bag session. What’s the RedBull Rampage winner got up his sleeves for the rest of the week… Photo: Dave Smutok
