Phone System Down
We are currently experiencing difficulties with our phone system. While we work on fixing the problem, please direct any inquiries to and someone from the appropriate department will get back to you. If you left a voicemail message with us...

COVID Policy | Highland Mountain
AT A GLANCE: If you have not been fully vaccinated, masks are required inside Highland's buildings (Welcome Center, main lodge, and HTC). You are not required to wear a mask while outdoors, in the lift line, or on the trails. All visitors will be asked the standard...

Park Report | April 2021
April is finally here! The weather is getting warmer, the grass is getting greener, and all around us the mountain is waking up from its long winter's nap. Opening day is just over two weeks away: the 2021 season begins on Wednesday, April 28 for season pass holders...

Park Report | March 2021
You're reading our March park report, and you know what that means...Highland's 2021 season starts next month! The mountain opens to 2021 Season Pass Holders on Wednesday, April 28 and to the public on Thursday, April 29. (Wednesduro and Thursduro kick off on May 5...

2021 Winter Woolly Recap: Fat Tires and Good Times
Another Winter Woolly is in the books! And what a Winter Woolly it was. Conditions this year were probably best described as “variable”— certainly they presented much more of a challenge than last year, when we were treated to a deep freeze overnight that kept the...

Park Report | February 2021
Another park report means we're another month closer to opening! We rang in February last weekend with the annual Winter Woolly, which in addition to being an absolutely wild day of lift-accessed fat biking also marks the approximate midpoint of the off season. We're...

2021 Highland Camps Scholarship Program | Applications Now Open
Applications for Highland Camps scholarships are now open! The Highland Camps Scholarship Program was created to assist a handful of passionate, motivated young riders in alleviating the financial challenges that may present themselves when enrolling in summer camp....

Park Report | January 2021
Welcome to 2021! We're crossing our fingers that this time around the sun treats everyone more like the perfect Cat's Paw run and less like your worst ever public over-the-bars performance on Lower Happy Hour. (Shh, no one saw that.) It's okay if you didn't make a...

Winter Woolly 2021: The Details
UPDATE: SOLD OUTRegistration is now ONLY available to 2021 All-Access Season Pass Holders It’s your favorite event of the winter! The 2021 Winter Woolly drops in on Saturday, February 6. Join us for a day of lift-accessed fat biking and reconnecting with the Highland...

Park Report | December 2020
Happy December! Another year is almost over, and what a year it was. You can relive some of the highlights in our 2020 Season Recap story. We've said it before but we'll say it again: we're so grateful to have been able to make this weird and wonderful season happen...