
When: Wednesday, May 16th 8pm

Where: Jerry Remy’s Sports Bar & Grill 1265 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02215

Details: $5 charge at the door. All proceeds benefit New England Mountain Bike Association and Kingdom Trails Association

Anthill Films is known for their cutting edge cinematography in films including The Collective and Follow Me. Strength in Numbers is a rallying call to connect mountain bikers regardless of location, language or discipline. The documentary will share stories and the core essence of mountain biking in some of the sport’s most iconic locations including Utah, Nepal, and Canada.

In addition to the film premiere, we are going to have a “15 Seconds of Fame” movie compilation, featuring 15 second biking clips submitted by you! We encourage you to submit your own 15 second movie clips showing us the best jumps, fastest lines and sickest wipeouts that you’ve ever committed to film, and we’ll include them in our own video which will be show on the big screen before the premiere of “Strength in Numbers”.

Upload a 15 second clip of you or your friends riding to vimeo.com by May 7th. Please use the highest quality video possible since this will be shown on the big screen at Jerry Remy’s. If you don’t have a vimeo account, creating an account to upload videos is easy, fast and free.

Please title your video “NEMBA 15 Seconds Entry 2012” and send the link to nemba15seconds@gmail.com
In addition there will be a huge raffle with tons of prizes donated from our awesome sponsors.

For more information please visit – http://www.nemba.org/nembaevents/strengthinnumbersl.htm
