Riders of all ability levels showed up this past Saturday for the 2012 Brodown Showdown. All of the work that Rob and the Highland Trail Crew have been putting in showed as riders got their first look at a new advanced dirt jump zone, beginner jump line and pump track. The plan is to offer jumps of all sizes for riders to learn and progress their skills on. The new beginner line was running great with riders as young as 8 years old to riders in their 50’s practicing their style. Advanced riders threw down, on the first of many lines to come, in a jam style format and everyone had a chance to win great prizes from our sponsors: Camelback, Geax, Go Pro, Kali Protectives, Jett and Native.
This year’s Brodown saw more riders’ than ever before, and the new beginner table jump line might have just been the reason. Riders of all ages and abilities were killing it on the new jumps. Plenty of little groms got in on the action too with a foot down derby and plenty of pump track competitions.
photo: Dave Smutok
Highland Camps coach Chad Deluca hits the first skip jump on the advanced line. A new roll in is just the beginning. Plan to see multiple lines and options in the continually expanding dirt jump zone.
photo: Dave Smutok
Rob knows how to build jumps for a reason, lot’s of research and development. Here he is airing the left-handed hip in the new adanced line. If you have ever ridden the jumps at Highland you probably have this man to thank for it.
photo: Dave Smutok
Mike Kent with a stylish table on the hip. Riders competed for “Best Run, “ “Best Style” and “Best Crash” on the advanced jump line.
photo: Dave Smutok/Richard Patty
Andrew Dixon took home “Best Style” with his smooth riding and dialed tricks. Riders enjoyed the new line and Lucent Productions was on on site to capture all of the action. Keep your eyes open for another great edit and coverage from the weekend.
photo: Richard Patty
Adam Hauck practices some front flip tuck no-handers combos into the Redbull AyrBag. Despite all of the radar watching and speculation the weather held off just long enough for the AyrBag and Freebird portion of the jam. Mike Kent took home the “AyrBag Best Trick” with his signature 360 flip.
photo: Richard Patty
Chad lays it out with a backflip over the Freebird jump. Riders competed for the “Best Trick and Best Whip” on Freebird, the final jump of the Killiecrankie Slopestyle course.
photo: Richard Patty
Polish Dave whips it out over Freebird. Many riders took advantage of the lift and the rest of Highland’s trail system to link a full run from the top of the mountain down to the Killiecrankie Slopestyle Course and finishing with some big whips over Freebird.
photo: Dave Smutok
Riders were giving it there all throughout the jam. After may successful jumps and a couple backflips Greg Bernash gets a little squirrely on a whip and ends up with a nice dirt mustache.
photo: Richard Patty
Chad gets in one more whip as the rain starts coming down.