East Burke, VT. – July 10, 2013
Announcing The East Coast Triple Crown Enduro Series

We are pleased to announce the formation of The East Coast Triple Crown Enduro Series with tremendous support from Mavic and Shimano. The Series will consist of the three largest and most well-established existing northeast enduro races; The Over Mountain Enduro at Highland Mountain Bike Park, The King of the Mountain Enduro at Mountain Creek Bike and the Kingdom Enduro at Burke Bike Park at the Kingdom Trails. The dates for the three races will be as follows:
- September 7 The Kingdom Enduro – Burke, VT
- October 6 King of the Mountain Enduro – Mountain Creek, NJ
- October 19 OverMountain Enduro – Tilton, NH
The plan is for each resort to retain the identity and operations of their signature World Class events, but the three races will be linked by an overall points series and follow the same guidelines for formats, categories and timing systems. This will provide competitors with a consistent racing experience at each event and provide additional incentive for racers to participate in all three events.
“The way that Enduro racing separates the strongest overall rider while also encouraging a sense of camaraderie, makes it a sport that we want to get behind. With that in mind, we are very excited to be working with Highland and Mountain Creek to co-promote our three already well-established top quality events.” Says Lilias Ide, the Operations Manager for Kingdom Trails.
There will be over $20,000 in cash and prizing. For information visit:
www.TripleCrownEnduro.com or Facebook.com/TripleCrownEnduro
For more detailed information or for sponsorship opportunities please contact:
Burke Bike Park – mhinds@skiburke.com
Mountain Creek Bike Park – hreynolds@mountaincreek.com
Highland Mountain Bike Park – info@highlandmountain.com