
Despite a Tornado warning issued for greater Highland Mountain area, the first race in the GS3 series started off with a bang.  Max Syron of the United Freeride B team (yes the B team) took the victory despite early trash talk by A team member and younger brother Ray (3rd). Trevor Peckham of Old Greg’s Team snatched 2nd place which should give his team some incentive to come up with a cooler name.

This first race acted as a seeding race for the next race on June 19th, where points will be awarded based on; winning your heat, beating the pacesetter, Personal improvement; and participation. If for some reason you were not able to attend the first race, don’t worry there is still room for new teams and individuals to enter into the series. Just contact Slalom@highlandmountain.com and we can get you set up to party bike on June 19th. Let’s not forget that the winning team gets 2011 Highland Passes!
