
New Garage..update

Here is a update of how the new garage is coming together.

New Garage

Dennis and Tom have not slowed down since season’s end, they’re rebuilding the run down garage just before you enter the parking lot. This garage will improve our trail crew organization and machine maintenance area and ultimately leaving more time for...
Fall Session with Team GT

Fall Session with Team GT

As the fall season approaches with all the World Cup Races, freeride contest and summer camps coming to a close lies the best time of the year to ride.  I my mind there is no better time of year to ride at Highland Mountain,  the temperature is perfect and  the dirt...
GT Freebird Jam

GT Freebird Jam

What happens at Highland when the sun goes down and there is still a ton of riders that want to ride? -GT Bikes brings the lights and lets us shred through the night!