It is 10:30 and practice just kicked off half an hour ago! The course is looking perfect and the trail crew are just putting the finishing touches on it as we speak.
In the video below Dave Smutok walks us through the course.
Wednesday June 22nd
10pm – 5pm Practice
Thursday June 23rd
9am – 11pm Practice
12pm – Two Run Qualifiers
Friday June 24th
12pm – 5pm Practice
7pm – 8:30pm GT Best Trick Jam on Freebird
Saturday June 25th
2pm -4:30pm Practice
5pm – Two Run Finals
Sunday June 26th
11:30am -Battle of Hellion Am Race
1:30pm -Battle of Hellion Pro/Open Race
If you don’t plan to compete and just come to spectate, make sure to get creative because everyone has a shot at winning the Claymore Super Fan Competition sponsor prize pack!
And if you are stuck somewhere other than here this weekend we feel bad for you, but…we are sending the love your way online so if you can’t make it this weekend be sure to get to the computer and go on either,, or Freecaster.TV and watch the live feed of the competition.